Next Web

We are facing several problems with the internet today. Big companies like Facebook and Google hold a lot of data about us, and they are able to manipulate it without anyone noticing. Today we use a couple of web services to represent our digital identity: email addresses, a facebook account, a linked in account, instagram account, and so on. The problem with this is that: 1; a lot of data leaks out about us since we are connecting a lot of services to central ones, 2; once data has leaked it is difficult to start a new page; the services already know your personal email, they can bombard you with spam emails, sell your email address and sell your data to third parties while you are still behind the same identifications.

Today we want something new that respects our privacy and our desire for sovereignty. Besides this problem there are many others, such as the abuse of email addresses as identifiers, and spamming. Security and corruptibility of DNS is also a concern, in my opinion.

Read more about it in the pdf.

Citation: Najib Ghadri, Dr. Goldschmidt Balázs (2019). A study of the web components for the Next Web